A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments

Recovery from misdiagnosis

I was misdiagnosed as bipolar in 1996 (I have ADD) at age 34, and put on a regimen of drugs, including high levels of Lithium. In 2012, I quit working and went on disability due to the development of Parkinson’s Disease. In 2015, following an exam by... Read more »

Recovery from psychosis, mania, anxiety, and other symptoms

Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

In my case, I refused to be subjected to modern psychiatric methods. I experienced almost every psychiatric symptom: nightmares, psychosis, panic, anxiety, mania, depression, and seizures. After two and a half years I finally discovered the true underlying biological cause – sleep apnea. [Sleep apnea is the obstruction of... Read more »

Recovery from tumor-induced mental disorders

Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

I have a situation where my daughter was institutionalized on and off for 6 years. She even lived on the streets for a couple of months. She had a psych history that would blow your mind. In addition, she had a history of panic attacks, hypertension, headaches and sweating.... Read more »

Dr. Sultan’s Patient Testimonials

Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

DEPRESSION After 5 years of going from doctor to doctor and being on countless antibiotics, I finally found Dr. Sultan. I had gradually become a lifeless, lethargic, miserable, irritable, irrational person, constantly plagued with strep throat, yeast infections, bloating, constant constipation, poor concentration and depression. I really got no... Read more »