A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments
I had massive clinical depression from about age 16 on. (Am 31 now) Took some time to diagnose, I did therapy and got put on different anti-depressants: Paxil, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Zoloft. Nothing worked. I was a self-mutilator, and ended up a couple of years ago in a mental hospital. My whole life was depression and I thought it would always be that way. I struggled with it, it was there always, and I watched other family members go through the same thing. Anyway, needless to say, allopathic or western medicine did nothing for me except mess with my moods and make me more depressed. Oh, and try to give me more drugs all the time. So I started doing some research, just to get my overall health better, and I actually cured my depression by accident in trying to get healthy. I had read about bowel problems, and I had them. Major constipation since I was little. I read somewhere that one of the causes of depression was blockage or toxins in the brain, which can physically hinder your brain chemistry. And this can be caused by all sorts of things. So I am thinking blockages in my body seem to have directly related to my brain's ability to function. All along I thought depression was just a curse and that I was just a messed up person emotionally and not able to handle things normal people did. Anyway, I did a bowel cleanse. Wow. I started flushing out all sorts of accumulated crap in my system. I also soaked up many toxins that had been residing in me with another intestinal formula. I did a liver flush. I was so focused on getting healthy that it took a few weeks before I realized the cloud had lifted. It was like a miracle! Another thing that helped was that I hit rock bottom. I could have died, but some part of me wanted to live. Somewhere along the line, I chose to live. I made a decision to live. That really helped too. But it was very hard. So the short answer for what really helped physically is Dr. Schulze (on the website http://www.curezone.com/). I did his Intestinal cleansing (formulae #1 and #2) and I also started getting major nutrition in my system (Superfood). I did his liver flush too. I was wary at first because he seems so gregarious and I am loathe to trust anyone with the title of "Dr." But he made sense and I was desperate and nothing else was working. I still can't believe the depression is gone. It comes back sometimes but only for a few minutes and I now have the strength to banish it when it does. Another thing that really helps is to get the blood flowing in the brain. When I start to feel down, I just take some cayenne pepper tincture and I can feel all the blood really flowing and washing away all the toxic crap and opening up my blood vessels. I NEVER in a million years thought that depression was curable. I know my blockages had a lot to do with intestinal issues, but I wonder if other people have other blockages that may cause depression - in the liver, or just environmental toxins and pollutants, or chemicals. I only share what has worked for me but I am so grateful and would love if this information could help someone else!