I have been in the health care industry for almost 21 years and I have used about everything out there for people who are sick, and the Master's Miracle has worked across the board for every person we have given it to. These products are very inexpensive. It is something you can do in your own home. Just take a bath in the soapy water. I had a lady who called me last week and she had run out of her antidepressant pills and all of her pain pills and she did not have money coming in for about a week to buy more. She used the little samples I had given her. She took a bath in the Soap and when she got out she said she was feeling strange. She slept through the night for the first time in three years, and when she got up that morning she had no depression and no pain. She is hooked on the Soap and is now taking the Neutralizer. She is not going back on her pain pills or her antidepressants. She just takes the baths and drinks the Neutralizer. For more information on this product, contact ptembick@attbi.com