A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments
I have been labeled Bipolar II because I experienced hypomania on several antidepressants (Venlafaxine, Parnate). As I didn't have a proper "manic" episode until I was in my mid-40s after years and years on various antidepressants (Aropax and god knows I can't remember what else) that did not work, I query the diagnosis. A combination of menopause and stress could be added to the equation (my mother went quite potty during her menopause). I also believe adrenal fatigue can be a contributor to presenting with depression. There's plenty out there on the web to confirm this condition. I luckily am well versed in Omega 3 essential fatty acids and other vitamins/minerals (magnesium) that can assist with mood disorders particularly depression. It took me quite a while to get out the clutches of the mental health system but when I did, little did they know that my wellness was not because of any treatment they have given. I only took Lithium long enough for 3-6 monthly blood tests and remained stable for 2 years until fully discharged. I am now losing the huge amount of weight I gained (size 12 to 22) from the overzealous use of Olanzapine and Risperidone (Consta) even though I have never been psychotic. They just seem to be the treatment of choice for just about anything that presents itself. Now I am absolutely drug free. The last meds I was on was the Consta injection (Risperidone) over 8 months ago. When I recently started going to osteopaths and a masseur to address my physical health, on being touched finally I found my back to be a mass of rigid, spasmed muscles: it was agony. I was stunned at the condition of my body. I can only put the toxicity in my system down to the medications I have been on over a number of years. Currently I use Omega 3, Magnesium/Calcium, B Complex, Kelp and Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) 3,000mgs min. I purchased a book called Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder by Eva Edelman from www.boragebooks.com which is a compendium of orthomolecular treatment. I am regaining my life in leaps and bounds in the last few months. After years of isolation and despair my beautiful little home is constantly filled with friends, laughter and love.