Additional Directories
If you are unable to find a practitioner/health organizations on our site, you can also go to following resources which lists alternative doctors/facilities. You can call them to find which, if any, deal with the mental symptoms you are interested in.
4QJM+G9 Remuera, Auckland
40 Goodrow Lane, Sedona, AZ 86336
We are the first in the world that we are aware of that has compared medication based mental heal...

40 goodrow lane
356, Nam Phrae, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Chiang Mai 50230 Thailand
New Paradigm Holistic PTSD Treatment Retreat is a residential treatment center for PTSD in Thaila...

Portland, Maine
1449 Lincolnn Way, Auburn, CA 95603
newport beach, california

Colorado Springs

3141 West Jefferson Avenue, Trenton MI 48183