Safe Harbor education partners offer courses and experiential learning for those with mental health issues, their loved ones, and mental health professionals. They also offer discounts to Safe Harbor followers and provide financial support to Safe Harbor programs. If you are interested in becoming an education partner, please contact us. We are excited to be affiliated with our first partner:
Integrative Mental Health University (IMHU)
IMHU offers 40+courses by experts in integrative mental healthcare—mostly online. Their offerings draw from the best in evidence-based complementary and alternative treatments. Individuals seeking effective alternatives to psychiatric medications will find useful information about managing specific mental disturbances from an integrative mental health perspective. Healthcare providers can obtain Continuing Education Credits as they improve knowledge of recent research into effective alternatives and expand skills.
There are three exciting, unique offerings with Emma Bragdon, PhD, a recognized leader in the field and the Founder/ Executive Director of IMHU:
- A series of 5 online webinars on “How to Effectively Support People in Spiritual Emergency” (a psycho-spiritual crisis created by spiritually-transformative experiences) followed by “Practicum” qualifies the student to become certified as a Spiritual Emergence Coach®. This entitles the coach to be listed in IMHU’s International Directory of Spiritual Emergence Coaches® and list their support groups in IMHU’s calendar setting.
- A one week live seminar in Brazil to learn about and experience an exciting paradigm that combines Western integrative mental health approaches with care from “Spiritist” medical intuitives and healers working with psychiatrists. This paradigm brings ancient wisdom of shamanism into modern psychiatry.
Use Coupon Code “SafeHarbor2” for a 20% discount on IMHU courses and get a 20% discount for deposit for the Brazil Seminar ($150 value).
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FREE – Integrative Mental Health: What is it?
Slide presentation by medical doctors gives the basics of how to care for yourself and your family from an integrative perspective without over-relying on psychiatric medications.
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FREE – Psychosis: What is it?
Review different perspectives about psychosis and get a free book that gives an enlightening perspective from qualified experts on appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
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FREE – Spiritual Emergency: What is it?
Learn online from the experts about this very normal category of human experience that has been confused with mania or psychosis (mental illness).
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How Shamanism Can Benefit Health
Karen Lawson, MD has studied Shamanism for 20+ years. She gives a one hour conversation about the positive benefits of Shamanism to wellness.
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Training: Help People Integrate Experiences from Psychedelics
Sonia Doulton, MA, an integrative psychotherapist, has vast, international experience in this endeavor. Three 90-minute events include Q & A, a talk on risk reduction for teens, and resources.
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Nurturing Resilience in Kids & Teens
Learn how to nurture resilience and creativity in kids you care for. These qualities will give them an inner foundation so they can thrive in our rapidly changing world.
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Strengthen Attention, Reduce ADHD–Naturally
Attention can be remedied effectively in a natural way that avoids the side-effects of psychiatric medications.
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The New Psychiatry: Moving Beyond Psychiatric Medications
Highly effective psychiatrists know the standard drug treatments and go beyond them with new resources.
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Ibogaine: A Non-Pharmaceutical Path Out of Addiction
Learn about a plant from Africa that has been effectively used for centuries to interrupt addiction, increase awareness, and open individuals to greater well-being.
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Overcome Depression: Effective Integrative Methods
Become empowered to make informed decisions about how to manage and overcome your depression.
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Nutrition, Mictronutrients & Mental Health
Psychiatrist Pam Shervanick gives practical knowledge on nutrition and micronutrients to improve mental health via 4 online webinars.
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How Energy Medicine Strengthens Wellness
Energy Medicine has a profound, positive impact on reducing chronic physical pain as well as mental and emotional distress.
More InfoSpiritist Therapies: Theory and Practice of a Transcultural Paradigm
People who feel disturbed recover more quickly when their spirituality is addressed and given a meaningful role in healing and healthcare. More Info.
How to Effectively Support Someone in Spiritual Emergency: 5 Online Webinars
Understand and learn from an expert about the basics of how to manage psycho-spiritual, transformative crises within yourself or with ones you care for. More info.
FREE-Spiritual Emergency: What is it?
Learn from the experts about this very normal category of human experience that has been confused with mania or psychosis. More info.
Be Certified as a Spiritual Emergence Coach®
After taking the 5 online webinars about Spiritual Emergency—the Practicum gives you live experiential exercises and training to help you become more confident in coaching others.. More Info.
A New Paradigm of Mental Healthcare: Brazil’s Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals and Community Centers
A 7-day live seminar in Brazil exposes participants to a model of integrative care that attends to body, mind and spirit with a special emphasis on spiritual healing that has been used since the 1890s.
Dr. Bragdon facilitates special, small groups of health professionals to explore the theory and practice of Spiritist Community Centers and Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals in Brazil. The amazing wellness paradigm that Spiritists have developed in Brazil is integrative: attending to body, mind and spirit (with the belief in reincarnation and karma).
More InfoAdditional Education
There are a variety of other sources of education for integrative mental health not formally affiliated with Safe Harbor. Consider Mad in America Continuing Education, the National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health, and the Walsh Institute video series. Also see our Practitioner Events summary for further conferences, seminars and training.
*IMHU is a not-for-profit charitable organization recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3. Safe Harbor and IMHU have an affiliate agreement whereby Safe Harbor obtains some funding for directing students to IMHU’s courses.